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Video Testimonials

Are you wondering whether or not your team should take the Journey of Discovery?  Listen in on the experiences of others and then make up your mind.  

Soon you'll share your own great experience…

Let's Hear it from St. Gregory The Great Catholic School


Principal Paulette Clagon experienced the Communication Gap & Conflict Management Journey of Discovery teambuilding modules.  It brought her team closer together and helped them to work through some of their communication issues.  She encourages others to invite SRD to Transform their Team's Differences into DIAMONDS!

What Does St. Marianne Have to Say

Frank Montejano, the Principal of St. Marianne Catholic School, treated his team to the DISC Dynamic Communication and Conflict Management Journey of Discovery teambuilding experience.  They enjoyed themselves so much that Principal Montejano encourages others to invite SRD to Transform their Team's Troubles into Triumphs!

Apple West Says it Best

Patience Gabrieal Scott, a manager at Apple West Medical Supply, engaged in the DISC Dynamic Communication and Conflict Management Journey of Discovery teambuilding modules and it was not only educational but fun! Mrs. Scott shares her experience and encourages others to invite SRD to Craft their Team's Conflicts into Creativity!

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